Weight Loss Tricks for the Night

ByAdmin07/11/2022in Weight Loss 0

Night-time is a vital part of the day for winding down and de-stressing. Following a good night-time schedule and getting quality sleep goes a long way in losing weight.

However, it is essential to remember that weight loss is something that won’t happen overnight. It is more long-term and takes consistency. Here are a few tips you can do at night to lose weight and fat in the long run.

The weight loss achieved overnight will only eliminate the water weight and not the stored fat. This water weight is eventually regained and serves no purpose in terms of health.

Fat loss requires consistent effort. Most weight-loss strategies focus on diet and exercise, but research indicates that quality sleep is a vital factor that influences weight.

Sleep and Weight Dynamic

A randomised control study indicated that an increased duration of sleep time and better quality of sleep lead to successful weight loss. A meta-analysis suggests that shorter sleep duration is associated with a 55% increase in the chance of obesity. It gets explained in multiple pathways.

Sleep-deprived people have more time to consume food per day. Data also shows that inadequate sleep is associated with altered neuroendocrine appetite control.

People with decreased sleep have reduced amounts of leptin and increased amounts of ghrelin, hormones that control satiety. These changes in hormone levels lead to an increase in hunger which in turn leads to higher calorie consumption. In addition, acute sleep loss increases food intake in adults.

Studies indicate that circadian rhythm is a critical link between sleep and metabolism. Circadian rhythm influences the metabolism of cells. Metabolism is higher in the mornings and lowers during the night. Eating food at inappropriate intervals leads to weight gain and causes obesity.

The HealthifyMe Note

Healthy modifications and suitable physical activities are essential for stable and fruitful weight loss. However, keeping these little points in mind will assist in gaining faster weight loss, including reducing screen time, cutting caffeine consumption, and practising meditation and yoga. 

Tips to Sleep Better

Reduce Screen Time

Data indicates that bedtime mobile phone usage was associated with poor sleep outcomes. Melatonin gets suppressed, and neurological arousal gets caused by blue wavelength light emitted by electronic devices.

They also reduce sleep’s rapid eye movement, lowering overall sleep quality. Therefore diminishing the bedtime usage of electronic devices is recommended to sleep better. If that is not possible, use blue light filters on your phones and computers to block the blue light. You can also use blue-light-blocking glasses for similar effects.

Caffeine Regulation

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed stimulants in the world. It is known to increase performance but may lead to interrupted sleep patterns. Hence, limit caffeine intake during the day and avoid caffeine before heading to bed.


A meta-analysis showed that yoga can be beneficial and can help you sleep better. It has proven to be an effective treatment for insomnia. Here are a few yoga exercises that help you sleep better at night.


  1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
  2. Place the palms on the floor but at the side of your hips.
  3. Take a few deep breaths.
  4. Exhale, then extend your hands and catch your toes.
  5. Rest the elbows on the floor gradually, stretch the neck and trunk, and touch the knees with the nose and lips.


  1. Stand straight and keep your knees tight. 
  2. Exhale, bend forward, and place the fingers on the floor. 
  3. Try to hold the head up straight and stretch your spine.
  4. Remain in this position and take two breaths.
  5. Exhale, and move the trunk closer to the legs.
  6. Inhale, raise the head from the knees without lifting the palms from the floor.
  7. Take two breaths, lift your hands from the floor, and return to your initial position.

Baddha Konasana

  1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched in the front.
  2. Bend the knees and get the feet closer to the trunk.
  3. Hold the feet together and catch them with your hand near the toes.
  4. Exhale, bend forward till you can rest your head on the floor. Hold this position for half a minute.
  5. Inhale, raise the trunk and straighten your legs.


  1. Lie flat on the back full length. 
  2. Keep your hands a little away from your thighs with palms up.
  3. Close your eyes. If possible, place a black cloth on your eyes.
  4. Keep the heels together and toes apart.
  5. Breathe deeply. Concentrate on the exhalations and inhalation.
  6. Be sure not to clench your jaw. 
  7. Relax completely and breathe out slowly. Make sure your thoughts don’t wander.
  8. Stay in the pose for 5 minutes.
  9. It is an excellent way to relax.

Vipassana Meditation

Practitioners of Vipassana Meditation or Mindful Meditation have enhanced states of REM sleep, indicating better quality sleep. These Meditation techniques increase melatonin levels which help in falling asleep better.

  1. Sit down in a calm environment in your most comfortable position.
  2. Take in deep breaths.
  3. Concentrate on your inhalation and exhalation.
  4. Try not to get distracted by your thoughts.
  5. Do this for 10 minutes before bedtime for better and higher-quality sleep.

Tai Chi

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art form. Its primary goal is to relieve mental and physical stress. A systematic review found that tai chi improves sleep quality significantly. No equipment get required for tai chi; one can do it indoors or outdoors. You can always practice Tai chi to sleep better.

Low-Intensity Stretching 

Data shows that low-intensity stretching improves sleep quality. Do these for 5 minutes before entering the bed. Then relax the muscles and relieve stress. It helps you to sleep better and for a longer duration. Foam rollers and stretch bands get used for stretching; however, you can do it without equipment. 

Here’s 5 minutes routine for You

Side to Side Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Sit down on your knees.
  2. Raise your right arm while bending towards your left gradually 
  3. Rest your left arm on the ground.
  4. Switch sides and repeat for 1 minute. 

Arm Circles (1 minute)

  1. While sitting in the same position, rotate your arms clockwise for 30 seconds.
  2. Switch to an anticlockwise direction and turn for another 30 seconds.
  3. Remember to breathe deeply.

Neck Circles (1 minute)

  1. Rotate your neck gradually for 30 seconds in the clockwise direction
  2. Switch and rotate in an anticlockwise direction for another 30 seconds.

Leg stretch (1 minute)

  1. Sit down with your legs straight in front of you.
  2. Fold your left leg and bend towards your right side.
  3. Hold the right leg with your hands and stay in the position for 30 seconds.
  4. Switch sides and repeat.

Downward Dog (1 minute)

  1. Lie full length on the floor on the stomach, face downwards and feet apart.
  2. Rest the palms on the side of the chest.
  3. Exhale and raise the trunk from the floor. 
  4. Straighten the arms and move the head inwards.
  5. Stay in the pose for a minute, gently lower the body on the floor, and relax.

Stress And Gain Weight; De-stress and Lose Weight 

Stress throws your body out of balance and causes various health problems. Research indicates that chronic stress leads to weight gain and obesity. You can usually wind down and de-stress during the night times by having a proper night-time schedule.

Tips for a Relaxing NightTime Schedule

  1. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is a programme in which stress is controlled by breathing meditation or yoga-inspired physical exercises. You can try stretching or meditation before sleep.
  2. Long relaxing evening showers can help you wash away the stress of the day. Research suggests that bathing before bedtime can also help in increasing sleep quality.
  3. Invest time in self-care. Have a good skincare routine; it will make you feel good.
  4. Listening to calming music may help you de-stress and help you sleep well.
  5. Avoid electronics 1 hour before sleep. You can instead read books.
  6. Take care of the next morning’s chores to avoid chaos and last-minute stress. Lay out your clothes, keys, and wallet in the same place. Prepare a healthy breakfast ahead of time.

The HealthifyMe Note

It is critical to remember to eat a small dinner, avoid sitting or going to bed immediately after eating, and sleep well to lose weight.

Stress management is also vital to consider when one wants to lose weight. Long relaxing evening showers, calming music, and avoiding electronics before bedtime can assist in the journey to weight loss. 


Sleep is one of the chief influencers of weight loss. Getting quality sleep at a suitable time can help you lose weight. Adapting a peaceful night-time routine by decreasing screen time, relaxing showers, meditation or yoga, and low-intensity stretches can help reduce the stress piled over the day.

It can also help you sleep better, contributing to your weight loss for longer. Follow these tips and customise them to boost your metabolism and lose weight while sleeping.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Q. What helps lose weight overnight?

A. It is impossible to lose weight overnight. As we know, our bodies contain approximately 60% of water, and the weight contributed by it is known as water weight. You can lose this water weight, but you cannot lose fat overnight. Any weight loss requires a long-term commitment to a proper lifestyle.

Q. How can I lose my belly fat overnight?

A. You must first understand that target fat loss does not exist. When you have a calorie deficit, your body decides where it wants to lose fat. It could be coming from your thighs, belly, or back. It gets primarily determined by genetics and, to a lesser extent, by hormones. However, it is also impossible to lose fat overnight. If you want to lose fat, a consistent effort is required.

Q. What drink burns fat while you sleep?

A. Certain beverages, such as coffee, and green and black tea, can help boost your metabolism. However, these might not be the choice of drink before sleep as the beverages mentioned above are stimulants and may interrupt your sleep. Water, however, is known to increase metabolism. It will help you burn fat.

Q. How can I lose 2 pounds overnight?

A. It is not possible to lose fat overnight. But, you can lose water weight. It is possible to do so by avoiding water. However, it isn’t beneficial as you regain all the weight once you are hydrated.

Q. What is the drink that melts belly fat?

A. It is well known that losing fat from the targeted region is impossible. However, we can use a few drinks like matcha, green tea, coffee, apple cider vinegar, and black tea to boost your metabolism, which may lead to fat loss.

Q. What is the simple evening ritual for weight loss?

A. Your evening routine should help you de-stress and feel rested. Plan your next day while engaging in a relaxing hobby such as gardening or painting. Play soothing music. In the evening, avoid caffeinated beverages, and one hour before going to bed, avoid using electronics.

Q. What foods make you skinny?

A. There are no specific foods that make you skinny. It would be best to burn more than you consumed to lose weight. However, complex foods help you feel full and ensure lesser calorie consumption. It includes fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. You should eat more nutrition-dense foods over energy-dense foods.

Q. What burns fat faster?

A. A calorie deficit will enable you to burn fat. It will help if you burn more calories than you consume or consume fewer calories than you burn. Cardio is an excellent way to burn your calories. Activities like skipping, dancing, running, jogging and swimming are cardiovascular exercises. You can also try resistant training, which contributes to fat loss. Watch your calories and get good sleep.

Q. Do you lose weight when you poop?

A. Yes, you lose a little bit of weight when you poop. However, we do not lose fat this way. We mostly get rid of undigested food and water while pooping. Weight loss does not matter if you still have unhealthy fat. Hence the weight lost during pooping doesn’t matter.

Q. Do I lose weight when I pee?

A. Yes, you do lose weight when you pee. However,  when you drink water, you regain it. These variations are caused by water weight. Furthermore, when we pee, there is no discernible change in our fat percentage.

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